Biblical Community at College
Explore how our relationships shape us and the world around us through relationship dynamics with one another through a gospel centered lens.
About Me
Hello Y'all! My name is Jonathan Bearden and I am a Junior at Boyce College studying Communications with an emphasis in digital media. The big reason why I am going to Boyce College is because of the biblical community that is authentic and centered around the gospel. So I am writing a blog to showcase the power dynamics in friendships and what Christians should takeaway from relational theories and apply that to their lives.
About Biblical Community at College
Biblical Community was founded to help college students understand communication and relational theories so that they can apply that to their lives through a gospel lens. Additionally, Biblical Community helps people be able to thrive in difficult conversations that they have with people in their lives.
Biblical Community
Explore relationships and their impact on our shared faith journey.
Connect with Biblical Community Insights
Reach out to explore relationships and community through biblical understanding.